I'm terrible at updating. This is something you will learn, and while I make no promises (or even moves) to update more often, I will at least say that I'll try.
Anywho. I've been doing a read through of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson, but...I don't like his parts that much). Robert Jordan started the series, wrote the first 11 books (and a prequel!), and then died before finishing the series. One book left. So the publishers and Robert's wife picked Brandon to finish the series, but there was so much story left to be told that Brandon broke the last book up into three more books. Well...it's still one book, just being published in three volumes. And each "volume" is the size of one of the regular books. So...three books. That is 15 books, plus a guide to the series that has been published so far.
Guys, this is excellent reading. I've read each book before, but never back-to-back like I am this time. It's so weird the stuff that I pick up on now that I KNOW what happens, and how long he(Robert) has been foreshadowing some of this stuff. The prequel wasn't written/published until after the ...6th(?) book, but even it has foreshadowing, and not the *hint hint nudge nudge* kind. The "Oh wait. Really? This character has been this way for the whole series? I'M FOURTEEN BOOKS IN. HOW HAVE I NOT NOTICED?!" kind of way. There are multiple theory sites, and a Wiki, and a few blogs, and multiple websites all dedicated to keeping track of everything that happens in this series, all the characters, interactions, love connections, prophecies, EVERYTHING. It's so wonderful, and a continuity nerd's wet dream (read: mine.) I'm one of those people who finds something with a complicated backstory (but one that still makes sense) and just DIVES in. It's one of the reasons I love comic books, and HATE it when they "reboot" everything, or declare that "nothing will be the same." Because shit like that caused everything to mess up in the first place. But that is another post for another time.
Back to the Wheel of Time. I'm going to try to give you a bare bones rundown of the series and major characters, but ...well...if you ever start reading, you'll understand. Needless to say, SPOILERS. I mean...it's stuff all happens (or is seriously set in motion) in the first three books, but still SPOILERS.
There are five (later six, arguably eight or 9) main characters. Rand al'Thor is the MAIN main character, the prophesied savior of the world, but also someone who is supposed to pretty much destroy the world while trying to save it. The Dragon Reborn. There's a metric shit ton more backstory and development to him, but I'll just say that he's a Savior/Jesus character, and kind of a slut.
Mat Cauthon and Perrin Aybara are the other two legs of the main male character tripod. They and Rand are ta'veren, which in the world they inhabit means that they are people who the world does actually revolve around. Things have a habit of going their way, even if they don't see it that way. For our purposes, being ta'veren means that they are Main Characters (as the Xanth series would say) and therefore too important to die. Yet. If I were going to classify them as D&D characters, Rand would be a Warrior/Mage dual-class (first Warrior, then added Mage, you'll see.) Mat is a fairly typical Rogue, but uses a spear-type weapon instead of any real Rogue-y weapons. Also, he's really really REALLY lucky. Perrin is a ...Warrior/Ranger, I guess...dual-class (but like...actually dual-classed, like every race except humans can be.) He's a hulking brute who has an animal connection (and is my favorite character of the males...).
Ah, the females. Firstly, there is a slight dispute as to which females are considered "main" characters. Wikipedia lists three, I would consider arguments for two more, but for the first book, there are really only two. The third cameos in the first book, and doesn't really become a presence until the second book. Same with one of the extra two. The last extra doesn't even show up until the third or fourth book, but she's still fairly important. Anywho, the two females are Egwene al'Vere and Nynaeve al'Meara. Egwene is Rand's first love interest, and an (eventual) Aes Sedai (which are the female magic users of this world). Nynaeve is the village Wisdom (the female equivalent of the Mayor politically, but also the town doctor kind of person), and also an (eventual) Aes Sedai. I can't say too much more without giving things important plot details away, but I will say that Egwene is my favorite character of the females.
The other one, and the extra two, are Rand's other love interests (I TOLD you he was kind of a slut!), and all interesting characters. There aren't uninteresting characters in this whole series. Robert Jordan is just an excellent craftsman like that. And there are also a metric shit ton of secondary characters, and minor characters, and mentioned characters, and you can very easily get lost and sidetracked, but IT IS A WORTHWHILE READ. I PROMISE. I started this series ...sophomore year of high school, and I graduated college in Dec 2009, and am STILL in love with this series, and am constantly fascinated by it. Seriously, check it out. At least the first 11 books, and the prequel/the ones that Robert Jordan wrote. Because Brandon Sanderson has done an admirable and unenviable job of closing out the series, but there is just a significant tone change that I personally don't like that much. However, I am so dedicated to the series that I'll finish it out, even if it turns into Twilight-level garbage.
Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan.
prequel- New Spring
#1- Eye of the World (also published as two books From The Two Rivers and To The Blight)
#2- The Great Hunt
#3- The Dragon Reborn
#4- The Shadow Rising
#5- The Fires of Heaven
#6- Lord of Chaos
#7- A Crown of Swords
#8- The Path of Daggers
#9- Winter's Heart
#10- Crossroads of Twilight
#11- Knife of Dreams
#12 volume 1- The Gathering Storm
#12 volume 2- Towers of Midnight
#12 volume 3- A Memory of Light (not yet published)
Seriously. Go read them. They're about 800 pages per book, but SO WORTH IT.
Also...I'll probably do a few posts about the series as I blog more, so...you'll know what I'm talking about.
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