Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Watch Far Too Much TV...

For those of you who don't know, I live at home right now. parents are on vacation in Australia.  So, I'm home alone a lot.  And watch a lot of TV anyways, so their being gone has only allowed me to watch SO.  MUCH.  MORE.

The shows I usually watch have all come back, and I've caught up on all of them.  In like...a day.  So there have been some new shows that I've been watching.  My mom really enjoys Revenge, so I watched the latest episode when I had to record it for her, and then caught up as much as I could on it with OnDemand, which was only a few more episodes.

Revenge is a pretty rich kid drama, much along the lines of (I assume) Gossip Girl, 90210, The O.C., etc.  And I've never watched any of those, so I assume that they're super trashy.  And so is Revenge.  But it HIGHLY appeals to my gay sensibilities.  Mostly, super campy and uber-dramatic.  And there's some gay/bi dudes, so it's pretty cool that way, too.  It is in no way a "good" show, but it is definitely entertaining.

I also started watching/got caught up with SyFy's Being Human on NetFlix.  I had watched a few episodes earlier in the year, actually ON SyFy (go figure!) and I had watched the first episode of the British series on NetFlix, so I knew what I was getting into, but it still seemed like a really interesting concept that I wanted to watch more of.  And it is an interesting concept.  I think...that they focused more on the drama of the show, and it kind of brought the enjoyment level down quite a bit.  If the producers would embrace the SyFy camp factor of a bunch of their other shows (like Eureka or Warehouse 13), and used a bit more of the comedy skills of the actors, I think the show would be EXCELLENT.  My favorite scenes of the first season were when the three roommates are just sitting around cracking jokes on each other.  If the show had more of that, and less ...vampire gangs fighting for control of Boston, I think the show would be really way much better.

I'm also (presently, at this very moment) watching Merlin.  I had started to watch it last year, and couldn't get over the Smallville feel of it, but I'd heard lots of good things about it, so I decided to give it another shot.  It has grown on me some (but it probably helps that I'm playing PSP while watching.  Yay ADD!)  What's really helping is the hoyay between Merlin and Arthur.  (Hoyay stands for Homoeroticism!  Yay!  It refers to when audience members infer homoerotic subtext in interactions with two not gay characters written by writers who are intending nothing of the sort).  But really, guys.  If this were HBO or Showtime, Merlin and Arthur would be GETTING IT ON.  They've almost died for each more times in the first season than Pete and Myka have in the entirety of Warehouse 13.  And not in the heroic sense.  In the "please don't kill the person I love" kind of sense.  It's touching.  Like Sam and Frodo.

So...yeah.  That's what I've been doing.  Anyone have any suggestions for what I watch next?

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